
Last Chance To Register: Social Media Staffing & Recruiting Webinar

As more recruiting and staffing companies explore the benefits of social media, we’re seeing more questions about how to leverage these channels to achieve staffing and recruiting objectives.  Today, we’ll offer answers.

Today – Wednesday, March 21st – from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET, Bond US will provide insight that your staffing or recruiting firm can put to use immediately with the webinar, Social Media Tips And Tricks For Recruiting And Staffing.

You’ll learn such how using social media, integrated with cutting edge recruiting software, can help your firm achieve its staffing and recruiting objectives, by:

  • Getting word of your jobs out to more candidates
  • Creating a bigger online presence for your company
  • Demonstrating that your firm is “with the times”
  • Increase knowledge and exposure of your clients

Social media is a legitimate and powerful way to manage relationships with potential candidates and clients. The first step in leveraging this powerful tool is getting more comfortable by registering for this essential social media webinar.

Why Workplace Diversity Matters and How Recruiting & Staffing Software Can Help

staffing software helps workplace diversityIn January of this year, the U.S. posted its lowest unemployment rate of 8.3% since February of 2009. Recruiting and staffing companies are proactively riding this wave in a contemporary fashion, turning to social media to find qualified candidates and adding recruiting and staffing software to streamline hiring processes. Now more than ever, they are seeking more diverse candidates.

Why this increased trend toward diversity?  A recent study found that diversity in the workplace has a positive influence on productivity, loyalty and even employee happiness.  Most importantly, though, companies made up of diverse workforces actually made more money.

The research conducted in Canada examined 100 U.S. and Canadian corporate diversity studies from 1991 to 2009.  One of the most striking findings was that while many companies put on a show of diversity, the firms that truly incorporate it into their culture and business practices see real results.

Translating this into hiring processes is an area where recruiting and staffing software can help.  By targeting multiple job posting channels and creating customized job templates, firms can not only find candidates from more pools of diversity, they can design screening processes that help discover a wider range of talent.

The resulting diversity of choice is key to both recruiting firms and their corporate clients’ success.  As the study’s lead author Kristyn Scott explains, “When you have an inclusive corporate culture, recruiting top talent becomes easier, group processes will be enhanced, which means employees are more likely to stay, which, in turn, increases the company’s bottom line.”

Competitive success within the hiring industry calls for solid strategic recruitment management in all areas.  Request a demo of recruiting or staffing software from Bond International Software.

6 Steps to Grow Your Staffing Agency with Content Marketing

With all the competition in the staffing and recruiting industry today, it’s more important than ever to have a competitive advantage.  So how does a staffing agency rise above the crowd and noise of every other marketer in their space? One good answer is “content marketing” which refers to the development and distribution of content for the purpose of capturing the attention of your target market and positioning your company/brand as credible, authoritative, and useful.

This list of six “content marketing” methods that can help your staffing agency develop engaging and relevant content that gets found, read and shared by your target market and ultimately drives sales.

  1. Start a WordPress blog

    It’s free via WordPress, and it’s a great way to show that you’re in tune with the industry. Blog at least twice per month and each post should be between 250 – 400 words – Google likes fresh content that’s substantial.

  2. Do keyword research

    It’s free and easy via Google’s free tool. It will show you how many people are searching for words related to your product or service. You can use that information to make your website, blog posts, newsletters – in short, all of your content – more likely to be read by potential customers. Specifically, this means using priority keywords in titles (especially), subtitles, tags, and throughout your text.

  3. Give away great advice for free

    Offer relevant, useful information like “5 tips on how to find your next job” or “5 tips for finding your next great candidate.” This helps build trust and respect for your company and brand.

  4. Make your content easy to share

    Add social sharing buttons for social media venues like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. The more your are shared, the more likely you are to be found via Google and other search engines.

  5. Share every post you write.

    Post some text and a link to the rest on your company’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+ accounts.

  6. Add your content to social sharing/bookmarking sites

    Add content to sites like StumbleUpon, Delicious, Digg and Reddit.

Content marketing is the hottest marketing strategy on the planet, and there’s no reason that staffing companies shouldn’t be using it.  The most important things to keep in mind are focus your content on what is important to your target audience and develop a content calendar and stick with it.

To learn more about recruiting software, staffing software, talent management, and other HR-related topics, bookmark this blog and check out the other blogs from Bond US.

5 Ways Talent Acquisition Professionals Can Improve in 2012

You probably don’t need another new year’s resolution, much less five (the number I have for you below). But all of us in the world of talent acquisition can do our jobs better, so I thought I would share how I plan to improve in 2012. (which was, all in all, very good):

  • Resolution #1: Help hiring managers stay ahead of the curve.

    It’s very, very easy to get frustrated with executives (at all levels) who think that hiring a high-quality candidate for a reasonable price is relatively quick and painless. Instead of getting frustrated, though, I (and other talent acquisition professionals) can think of myself as an educator of sorts. This means talking with hiring managers on a regular basis and making them think about the needs they will have in two months, six months, even a year.

  • Resolution #2: Make the talent acquisition process more efficient for and transparent to all involved

    . I want to make sure that efforts aren’t being unnecessarily duplicated, and I want to make sure that everyone involved in the process knows 1) Their place in the process and 2) How to quickly move the process along. If they already know, my efforts will reinforce their knowledge.

  • Resolution #3: Improve my candidate pool via social media

    . I’ve written a lot about the power of social media in the talent acquisition process, and I’ve followed my own advice – for the most part. I need to reevaluate my social media efforts and see how new technology and new social media venues open up ways to reach even more candidates.

  • Resolution #4: Make more frequent contact with candidates.

    I’ve lost some good opportunities because I hadn’t contacted a candidate for over six months. In other words, when the first response of a candidate is, “So who are you again?” I know I haven’t been proactive enough.

  • Resolution #5: Be more flexible.

    That is, with interviews. For the sake of efficiency and sanity, I want to get better about accommodating the complicated schedules and unforeseen obstacles (and subsequent cancellations) of potential candidates. We’re all busy, and a little understanding of that will go a long way for everyone.

Feel free to share any of your own resolutions or areas you plan to improve on in the comments below.

Don’t be shy about contacting us about talent acquisition, recruiting software, staffing software, and other HR-related products.


Have You Integrated Your Staffing Software Into Your Social Media Hiring?

staffing software and social mediaThe year 2012 offers great news for recruiting firms and staffing agencies.  According to Jobvite’s 2011 survey, 67% of the 800 people surveyed said they plan to increase hiring this year.  That’s up from 55% in 2010.  Knowing that the hiring tide is beginning to swell, those companies that invest in recruiting and staffing software incorporating social media will be the leaders of the pack.

Why do we say this?  Consider this statistic from comScore:

Over the last 4 years, time spent on social media has increased from 1 in 12 minutes to 1 in 5.

It’s clear that for both candidates searching for positions and hiring professionals seeking to fill permanent and temporary jobs, social media is a channel that can’t be ignored.

For Hiring Professionals:

The Jobvite survey revealed strong trends toward increasing social media as a hiring tool.  These numbers help tell the story:

  • 89% of companies say they will recruit through social media this year
  • 55% will increase their budgets for social recruiting
  • 64% have expanded their social recruiting to two or more channels

Of the top 3 networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), LinkedIn is the clear favorite for hiring professionals – 87% of respondents said they use LinkedIn. About 55% of companies use Facebook and 47% use Twitter.

These statistics reinforce the need for staffing software.  With its rich functionality of integrating social media into staffing processes, software automation makes connecting with candidates easier and faster.

For Job Candidates:

Whether temporary or full time, job candidates have found social media a powerful tool in their searches for new positions.  According to the Jobvite study, nearly 64% of companies found candidates through social media.

And as social media becomes more intrinsic to people’s lives through added apps and new platforms, the dominance of job boards and career sites may wane.  In 2011, candidate quality scores for those acquired through social networks measured 7.0 on a 1-10 scale, vs. 6.8 for hires found through career sites and 6.1 for candidates from job boards.

In other words, the higher quality candidates you’re seeking are more likely to connect with you via your tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn posts than ever before.

These numbers reinforce the 2012 mantra – social media for hiring professionals and candidates is not only popular, but smart.  The companies that incorporate staffing software with social media to stay connected to candidates and clients will have a leg up on their slower competitors.

And those candidates who use social media to find hiring opportunities will have better chances of beating other job seekers to the punch.

Interested in moving your recruitment firm or staffing agency to the next level?  For more information on how you can make your hiring processes more efficient, check out our blog post, Social Media Enabled Software That Drives Successful Staffing And Recruiting.

Avoid These Costly I-9 Mistakes

Ever since 1986, when the U.S. government began requiring “facially valid” documentation of eligibility to work in the country, the I-9 form has been giving employers headaches. Not because millions of illegal immigrants are using false documents, but because little mistakes – like a misspelled name – mean a lot of time wasted trying to re-file and, in some cases, fines for improper documentation (which range from $110 to $1100 per form). Like it or not, proper I-9 procedures are a key aspect of talent management.

Here are 5 common I-9 errors you should strive to avoid:

  • An incomplete form.

    Maybe the candidate left the “Alien #” blank, or maybe you notice that something is missing but the candidate has already left the office. It’s tempting to just push the paperwork on rather than go through the hassle of re-contacting the candidate and having them go through the hassle of coming in again. But in the end, the extra hassle is far less painful than problems with U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS).

  • Incomplete documentation.

    In Section 2, its 1) one “List A” document OR 2) one “List B” document and one “List C” document. In other words, just having a driver’s license isn’t enough. For some forms of documentation in Section 2 and Section 3, document numbers, issuing authorities, and/or expiration dates have to be filled out.

  • Untimely documentation.

    The law is clear: the I-9 has to be completed properly by the third business day after the date the employee started work for pay, or, if the employee is hired for three business days or less, at the time the employee started work for pay. Waiting longer can result in a fine or, worse yet, concrete evidence that you have hired an undocumented worker – which can mean a fine of $375-3200 per worker.

  • Over documentation.

    The USCIS frowns on employers asking for more documentation than they need. Over documentation can be interpreted as a form of discrimination, which carry significant penalties from UNCIS as well as the threat of a lawsuit from the prospective employee.

  • Using an old form.

    In the age of the internet, there’s no excuse for this mistake. The latest form is always available at this USCIS page.

To cut down on minor errors, some companies have instituted a “quality control” program. This can mean anything from having someone outside HR check I-9’s before they are filed to hiring an outside company to pre-process I-9’s.  Some have also provided employees with blank I-9’s which highlight the areas that need to be filled out. Other won’t let an employee start his or her job until the form is completed correctly.  Given the costs associated with I-9 mistakes, your company may want to consider similar policies.

To learn more about recruiting software, staffing software, talent management, and other HR-related topics, subscribe to this blog and check out the other blogs from Bond US.

Social Media Enabled Software That Drives Successful Staffing and Recruiting

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, You Tube, WordPress, Blogging — that we are in a new era of multi-channel, highly-personalized, news, lifestyle and information distribution is enough to make a good recruiter or staffing professional cry.

So much chafe, so little time…

How do you manage all of those streams of information? How do you easily and effectively search for candidates across so many different sources? How can you possibly track all of your own job order related postings and activities to determine what works and what doesn’t? There aren’t enough hours in the day. And you don’t have the time to waste — you have orders to fill. You need solutions that reduce your effort, while helping you separate the chafe (all the junk out there on the Internet) from the wheat (all the good candidate and employee information you need for recruiting).

Enter Bond International Software and its three staffing and recruiting software packages: Bond Adapt, Bond eEmpACT and Bond StaffSuite.

Each of these three products is uniquely designed to help harried staffing and recruiting professionals better manage their time by reducing the effort it takes to keep up with virtually anything related to social media and your staffing and recruiting business.

For example, from within Bond software you can record candidates’ online profiles on LinkedIn and other social media sites so that you can develop a better understanding of their fitness for your job orders. You can also easily send job postings from within the software to your own site and, at the same time through RSS feeds, to your own social media sites to aid in recruiting with less effort.

But there’s more. It’s not enough that you can track candidates or customers through their online social media profiles or post jobs or send news via RSS feeds. With Bond recruiting and staffing software you can also develop and implement tracking and reporting that helps you understand the effectiveness of these efforts. You can determine the ROI of your social media campaigning.

Like to find out more? Call us at 800-318-4983 or click for more information. We look forward to helping you put social media to work for you!

The Top Five Things Recruiters and Staffing Coordinators Don’t Do That Cost Money

Don't make these staffing and recruiting mistakes.D’oh! That’s Homer Simpson’s usual reaction when he misses something that to most of us is painfully obvious. We can all relate to Homer’s problem though – it is all too easy to miss something obvious sometimes in the rush to get the sale, fill the order, or just follow through with a customer or candidate.

These little ‘misses’ can add up to big dollars. Staying aware of these issues and putting a process in place to prevent them from happening will improve your profitability. Here is our Top Five common staffing and recruiting mistakes:

1. Not remembering to bill or pay for an expense associated to an assignment.

This is one that leaves money on the table, increasing the cost of the assignment to you, and reducing profit. In one survey of staffing companies, 60% of respondents felt this was a problem, and 20% indicated that this happened once or twice a month.

2. Not following up with the candidate that did not get the job.

Here is one that should be a piece of cake, but no one likes to be the bearer of bad news. In our survey of recruiting and staffing firms, 100% of survey respondents related to this common mistake, and 30% indicated that it happened more than once or twice a week! To avoid this problem, set-up to-do activities in your system to remind yourself to communicate with the candidate. It keeps the door open and lets them know you are still working to find the right position for them.

3. Calling customers to extend an assignment is a lot cheaper than finding a new assignment.

Making a few additional follow-up calls can pay big dividends. You can find that the client really likes the work being done by the temporary employee, or that, with a little training; the person assigned could easily handle a different, more profitable assignment. Of our survey respondents, 70% agreed that this was a common mistake.

4. Not pre-qualifying resumes you receive before adding them to your database.

Here is a classic example of Garbage In, Garbage Out. Why clog up your candidate database with a bunch of unqualified resumes? The junk just slows down your searches and wastes recruiter time. In our survey, only 40% pre-qualified every resume they received. Spend the time up-front to qualify resumes and you’ll have a stronger database of candidates for your customers.

5. Not asking for new orders when doing contingent employee quality check calls.

This mistake is so obvious that it should be stamped on the phone of everyone making follow-up calls, “Always ask for more business!”

Process is power.

Every one of these common mistakes is avoidable. That is what a powerful recruiting and staffing software can do for you. It can be your vigilant assistant to track your activities, candidates, employees, orders, fills, and back-office details so that you don’t forget the little things that cost money and reduce your level of customer service.

We’re here to help you. Call or click for more details.

5 Ways Applicant Tracking Systems Improve the Quality of Hires

You track applicants (of course), but do you use up to date applicant tracking software? If not, you should. In the long run – and maybe in the short run – it will save you considerable time and money.

Here’s why you need good applicant tracking software:

  • You need – or will soon need – an edge on your competition.

    Most economists predict continued growth in U.S. markets, but no one knows if the U.S. economy will continue in slow growth mode or blossom into a rapid job-creating engine. Either way, the number of suitable candidates out there is bound to dwindle. You need to ensure that they are reading and responding to your jobs first.

  • You need to broadcast your job openings widely and quickly.

    You can enter information on Monster, your LinkedIn site, the local paper, and other sites…or you can use applicant tracking software to distribute job information automatically to hundreds of popular job sites.

  • You need a candidate search engine.

    Applicant tracking software can do a lot of web surfing for you, identifying and reporting on candidates who fit particular profiles.

  • You need seamless hiring workflow.

    Good applicant tracking software makes sure all necessary information gets from the applicant to your system to the recruiter, hiring manager, and anyone else involved in the hiring process. It also makes candidate information available to the hiring team at any time and, if desired, from any location. Moreover, it can pre-screen applicants so that you and your staff only evaluate the candidates qualified for the job.

  • You need comprehensive, automatic reporting.

    You don’t discriminate, but can you easily prove that to the EEOC or OFCCP? Applicant tracking software produces reports that meet government compliance demands. Custom reports – for internal audits or other analytic purposes – can also be created.

We know: the important subjective decisions involved in hiring can’t be automated. But many hiring processes can be automated, giving hiring team members the time to attend more carefully – and more collaboratively – on those important subjective decisions. That’s what applicant tracking software aims to do.

Contact us for more information on applicant tracking software. Subscribe to this blog for more information on applicant tracking software and other HR-related software.


Can Your Back Office Staffing Software Talk To Social Media?

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m big on staffing software, social media, and staffing software that maximizes social media.

So of course I want to ask, “Does your back office staffing software talk to social media?” By which I mean,

  • Does it seamlessly integrate with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn – the three most important social media outlets for staffing professionals? You need to be able to easily import search results from these social media channels into various databases. You also need to easily move text – usually, some form of marketing text – to these outlets.
  • Does it allow you to set up automatic social media tracking and reports? Do you know, for example, how many people searched for a particular kind of job? Do you know how often people are talking about a particular company and what they are saying about it? Do you know how your competition is using social media? If not, you need better staffing software.
  • Does it allow you to easily use other social media outlets? No one knows how big Google+ is going to get, and no one knows what the next short-lived or long-lived social media phenomenon will look like. But you need to be ready to jump at social media opportunities as they arise, and that requires staffing software that’s social media friendly.

I’m still surprised that a lot of staffing professionals don’t really use social media. Maybe they have a Facebook and LinkedIn account, and maybe they tweet on a regular basis. But they don’t take advantage of the tremendous information gathering, information sharing, and networking opportunities afforded by it.

Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. Old habits die hard, and some of those old habits still pay good dividends in the staffing world. And it really is just a matter of time. Staffing professionals (including the “older generation” of people like me) use the internet and email today better than they did five years ago, so they’ll catch up with the social media revolution eventually – or retire before they have to. Speaking for myself, I prefer revolution over retirement any day!

Have questions about staffing software, recruiting software, and other tools for the staffing industry? Contact us – we’d love to hear from you.