
Top Marketing Strategies for Recruiting Success

In today’s candidate market, recruiting is become increasingly intertwined with marketing.Marketing Strategies for Recruiting Success

A recruiter has to be able to sell a candidate on their firm and what they have to offer. With candidate’s putting themselves out there through outlets such as social media, recruiters have to in turn tell their story. With the integration of recruiting into marketing strategies, the ways you go about sourcing candidates is more complex than it has ever been.

Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to successfully use marketing strategies for recruiting success.

  1. Create a Brand Strategy

How do you want people to view your firm? If a potential candidate comes across your agency, is it readily apparent from your brand that your agency would be a good place for them? Your brand needs to tell your story and convey your value.  Depending on your offering, your brand could range from broad concepts like “employer of choice” to narrow concepts like “Atlanta area’s premier event staffing.” 

Once you have identified your brand, how will you use it? Identify a recruiting strategy for your marketing efforts by determining how you will build your brand awareness. Your strategy should be coordinated and intentional. Everyone in your agency is an ambassador of your brand and your strategy should include how individuals will represent your brand as well. Your brand is the starting place for your marketing efforts, so ensure your brand strategy is clear and used consistently and deliberately.

  1. Build a Social Media Presence

84% of organizations use social media for recruitment; your firm should be part of that statistic. With more people than ever using social media as a way to job search, you should have an active presence across all major social media channels. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are the top three sites that candidates use to job search. Social media participation should be driven at the corporate level with company LinkedIn and Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, and each individual recruiter should leverage their social media networks to further spread brand awareness and recruit new candidates. Take advantage and promote your firm only as a recruiter could while sourcing the candidates you want.

  1. Develop a Blog

Reaching candidates through social media is only one part of the puzzle. A blog is a great way to show them an inside look into your firm and provide them with valuable information for career development. Use your brand strategy and center your blog content on topics your ideal candidates would find interesting. Be consistent with how often you publish and stick to a schedule once one is developed. You want your call-to-action to resonate with your candidates and make them want to engage with your firm.

  1. Create a Social Community

With your social media networks and blog in hand, you need to take the next step and build a community around your involvement with candidates online. Build campaigns around a specific topic of discussion to involve candidates you need to source for open positions. Share not only your information, but also that of those you consider influencers of the positions you have available. You want candidates to see that the topics you discuss are the ones trending the most in their industry. By engaging your social community with information that is important to them, you make it that much easier to source the candidates you need.

  1. Lead Generation & Nurturing

Once you have begun to capture the attention of your community, you want to start converting them into potential candidates that you can bring into your firm. You want to utilize your recruitment software as a tool for finding potential candidates and keeping track of all levels of communication. Are they reading your blog? Are they engaging with you on social media? Once you have identified potential candidates, you can begin to nurture them with your marketing efforts. Track your talent through email campaigns, job postings and any relevant information about your company that captures their interest.

  1. Track Your Success

With any good marketing strategy, measuring the success of your efforts is as important as the efforts you put into it. Tracking your engagement and who you reach will help you build a more successful marketing campaign. Here are some key metrics to consider:

  • Social media engagement
  • Blog visitors
  • Email campaign engagement
  • New candidates

When you use marketing strategies as a recruiting tool, you will increase the success of your candidate sourcing. When recruiting and marketing come together, they build a brand image that is appealing to candidates and consumers alike.

20 Recruiting Influencers to Follow on Twitter

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart. – Thomas J. Watson20 Recruiting Influencers on Twitter

Recruiting is a tough job. In the world of staffing, it is your job to stay on top of the latest trends and insights into what the average candidate is looking for in a firm. From using social media as a recruitment tool to tracking what the millennial generation is looking for in a career, you have to consistently show your skills online as a rock star recruiter.

For insight into who and what is influencing the staffing industry in today’s candidate market, here are 20 influencers you can follow on Twitter to gain expert recruiting advice on all levels.


The Social Influencers

For tips on how to leverage social media as a recruitment tool, here are some experts to follow.

  1. @tonyrestell | Tony Restell

Tony gives tips and strategies on social media marketing for recruiters and small businesses.

Followers: 45,300

  1. @erinbaz | Erin Bazinet

Erin gives advice on how to utilize social media for branding, blogging and sourcing candidates.

Followers: 3,702

  1. @socialtalent | Johnny Campbell

Johnny’s focus is in driving productivity for recruiters through candidate sourcing and measuring social media analytics.

Followers: 19,800

  1. @billboorman | Bill Boorman

Bill discusses social recruiting product advice, social recruiting integration and social referral programs.

Followers: 23,800

  1. @emiliemeck | Emilie Mecklenborg

Emilie tweets on how social recruiting affects HR and how social media benefits the candidate experience.

Followers: 10,900


The HR Influencers

For advice on how to manage HR as a tool for effective recruiting, these mavens will show you the way.

  1. @susanheathfield | Susan Heathfield

Susan gives advice on how to use human resources to manage development of forward-thinking workplaces.

Followers: 5,529

  1. @sharlyn_lauby | Sharlyn Lauby

Sharlyn tweets on social solutions, company culture, and how to work through workplace issues as both an employee and a recruiter.

Followers: 24,400

  1. @mattcharney | Matt Charney

Matt’s no holds barred approach to recruiting and HR delivers advice on how to manage your staffing firm effectively and pursue the right candidates.

Followers:  17,100

  1. @kevinwgrossman | Kevin W. Grossman

Kevin posts on how to build an effective HR team and how to train candidates effectively, along with daily news articles.

Followers: 60,400

  1. @steveboese | Steve Boese

Steve discusses how to use HR as an effective tool for avoiding mistakes in the workplace involving employees, candidates and customers.

Followers: 36,900


The Sales Influencers

These experts offer great advice on how to sell your recruiting skills on social media.

  1. @jill_rowley | Jill Rowley

Jill tweets on social selling tactics and the relationship between effective sales and marketing.

Followers: 30,800

  1. @jillkonrath | Jill Konrath

Jill posts on how to get the attention of prospects through effective sales tactics and strategies.

Followers: 33,900

  1. @peoplefirstps | Deb Calvert

Deb provides insight on how to invest in your sales people and provide them the skills to recruit effectively and profitably.

Followers: 18,600

  1. @chartedpath | Mike Cleland

Mike offers advice on strategic planning, sales and recruiting productivity, and management coaching.

Followers: 1,046

  1. @binghamcp | Amy Bingham

Amy’s sales soundbite tweets offer advice on how to sell to customers and candidates in order to grow your staffing firm.

Followers: 537


The Sourcing Influencers

From hiring to firing, these top influencers provide tips and tactics on how to source the best candidates for your team.

  1. @shally | Shally Steckrl

Shally provides key insight into what it takes to source a great team and how to build great recruiting skills.

Followers: 24,000

  1. @meghanmbiro | Meghan M. Biro

Meghan tweets on how to use social branding and content marketing to source the right candidates for your recruiting firm.

Followers: 124,000

  1. @deandacosta | Dean Da Costa

Dean offers sourcing advice on topics ranging from staffing to technology and how to get the most out of your recruiters.

Followers: 51,700

  1. @stacyzapar | Stacy Donovan Zapar

Stacy offers recruiters advice on how to manage their time effectively, increase social engagement and build great candidate experiences.

Followers: 39,000

  1. @glencathey | Glen Cathey

Glen posts on his insights into Boolean search and how recruiters can use social media networks such as LinkedIn to their advantage.

Followers: 25,900


These 20 influencers provide insight into how recruiting is a multi-functional job with many roles that need to be filled. Follow them on Twitter for tips, knowledge and advice into how to succeed as a recruiter.

Discover how staffing software can further increase your recruiting abilities through social media integration and robust business intelligence tools.

Recruiters Beware: The perils of a stock message

Social media has certainly changed the staffing and recruiting industry. After all, never before have recruiters been able to contact professionals in a wide range of industries by simply searching for various keywords used in social media profiles. All of the information found online about a worker is accessible in a profile found in staffing software and recruiting software.

 The issue with generic introductions

However, it’s not uncommon for a recruiter to try and make contact with dozens, if not hundreds of workers during the course of an average week. This may mean that a staffing professional finds himself or herself using a template for making initial contact with an individual about a particular position. Using the same introduction, or one that rarely changes, may seem like a good idea in the beginning. But, just like potential employers can identify stock cover letters and resumes, a worker will know if a staffing professional used little effort to make contact.

Depending on whether the individual is an active job seeker or passively looking for a new position if it offers the right benefits and features, a generic introduction on LinkedIn, Twitter or any other means could come off as insincere. As a result, it’s likely that the worker will forgo responding back to a staffing professional’s initial emails or message.

Online recruiting starts with a strong introduction

Finding the ideal potential candidate for a client depends on impressing both sides. The bond between an employer and worker is a co-dependent relationship, which means that both sides have to feel comfortable with a staffing professional’s ability to bring everyone together. A generic introduction letter is hardly going to instill confidence in anyone.

The benefits that come with online recruiting are dependent on a strong introductory message from you while you are in the office. Make that initial contact something to remember by mentioning specific points in a worker’s online professional profile or presence. This requires slightly more effort than a boilerplate template, but it could drastically increase the chance that a recruiter receives a positive message back in response to the initial contact.

When a recruiter is building an online network and a comprehensive staffing and recruiting software database, he or she needs to make sure that the people who are included have a positive opinion. Not only should the introduction email make a comment about something included in an individual’s profile, but if a staffing professional has a particular position in mind, talking about the company or the role could be a great way to entice a response.

Use the golden rule

The phrase “treat others as you would like to be treated” is famous for a reason. Regardless of whether this lesson is applied to kindness in a grocery store or protocol about a job offer, it’s important to take it to heart. As a recruiter, it’s hard to imagine feeling positive about receiving a generic message on social media or an email that demonstrates just how little effort was taken with the missive. Therefore, it’s important for a recruiter to acknowledge how the golden rule applies in this situation as well.

A recruiting and staffing team can easily increase the number of positive responses it receives from potential job candidates if the generic messages used to make initial contact for a lead are updated and personalized. Just a few extra minutes can have dramatically better results and improve a staffing firm’s figures for the year.


Staffing Software & Social Media Are Your Tools… And Your Staffing Plan Is?

recruiting software social media strategyPart of an effective approach in candidate searches today includes leveraging social media.  Social media can be even more effective if the data you gather from this channel is successfully managed with the right recruiting software or staffing software.

I talk a lot here about the importance of integrating social media and staffing and recruiting software because I understand how important this is to you as a staffing professional and Bond US is committed to helping you make the most of this capability. But integrating social media into recruiting software or staffing software isn’t the end-all-be-all of recruiting and staffing efforts.

If your staffing agency or recruiting firm doesn’t have a wide-reaching tactical approach in place, then no amount of Facebook business pages, Tweets or even the best staffing software will bring you any closer to the ideal candidate.

Social media and staffing software are just two of many hiring tools available to you.  Consider the following and learn how social and staffing and recruiting software enhance – but shouldn’t necessarily dominate – key recruiting or staffing tactics.

• Finding Candidates –  Regardless of the tools you use to find or manage your candidates, you still need to start with a specific candidate profile. Your clients want to know everything about candidates you find for them, from prior experience to what they do in their spare time.

First determine who your clients are looking for, then use social media and staffing and recruiting software to find them.

• Communicating With Prospects– Some of social media’s greatest strengths are its abilities to be used as communication and engagement tools. But before you engage, you first need to know what to express for the best results and social media is just one of many ways to determine this.

Reviewing jobs on career boards, you competitor listings – and even stories in traditional media outlets – will help ensure the conversations you enter into are focused just as heavily on the needs and interests of your candidates and clients as they are on your own staffing objectives

• Understanding Client Needs – Social media can serve as an important resource when searching for background information on companies.  Not only can you determine their size, location and employment needs, you can also discern corporate culture by way of that company’s social media presence.

But effective research also includes the traditional channels of word-of-mouth referrals and networking. Though the internet does reveal plenty of information about clients, face-to-face conversations are still the best when it comes to learning about their needs.

Use social media and staffing and recruiting software as just two of many tools to find, communicate with and understand clients and candidates – and more importantly shape your overall staffing plan.

Last Chance To Register: Social Media Staffing & Recruiting Webinar

As more recruiting and staffing companies explore the benefits of social media, we’re seeing more questions about how to leverage these channels to achieve staffing and recruiting objectives.  Today, we’ll offer answers.

Today – Wednesday, March 21st – from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET, Bond US will provide insight that your staffing or recruiting firm can put to use immediately with the webinar, Social Media Tips And Tricks For Recruiting And Staffing.

You’ll learn such how using social media, integrated with cutting edge recruiting software, can help your firm achieve its staffing and recruiting objectives, by:

  • Getting word of your jobs out to more candidates
  • Creating a bigger online presence for your company
  • Demonstrating that your firm is “with the times”
  • Increase knowledge and exposure of your clients

Social media is a legitimate and powerful way to manage relationships with potential candidates and clients. The first step in leveraging this powerful tool is getting more comfortable by registering for this essential social media webinar.

Recruiting Management Tips – Automate Staffing Efforts On Twitter

Twitter tips for recruitersOf all the social media channels available for recruiting firms and staffing agencies, Twitter provides some of the best capabilities for getting the word to candidates.  The network is a recruiting software tool that more companies should leverage.

That said, the high levels of information that recruiters and staffers have to put out means that tweeting the constant flow of job opportunities could mean that you never leave your office for being chained to your Twitter accounts.  But that problem can be averted with automation software.

Check out these 3 automation tools that can make your recruiting management run more smoothly when it comes to tweeting your message:

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a social media dashboard that allows recruiters and staffing agencies to manage and measure their Twitter and other social media accounts.

For busy hiring professionals Hootsuite can be an advantage.  You can draft multiple messages  — some Hootsuite plans enable you to produce 50 unique posts at a time — and schedule them to send at the optimal times your target audience is most likely to be online.

The service also allows you to monitor audience sentiment and follower growth.  You can utilize the analytic tools from Facebook and Google through the Hootsuite dashboard.  For busy professionals, the mobile apps make that information available any time via your mobile devices.

In addition, Hootsuite’s collaborative team functionality lets multiple contributors access your company’s social profiles without having to share passwords.

2. Timely

This bookmarklet also lets you schedule your tweets to get them out when they’re most likely to be seen but in contrast to Hootsuite, which asks you to specify the times you want your updates to be posted, Timely automatically distributes your messages based on your audience’s online behavior history.

So, in one sitting, you can create a queue of tweets and Facebook posts to go out automatically which saves more time for responding and retweeting.

If you combine a service like Klout, you can measure the influence and reach of your tweets and other social media updates.  Klout scores 2.7 billion pieces of content daily to understand your content’s impact and build your target audience.

3. Buffer

In order to keep the followers you’ve attracted, you need to establish a regular level of engagement.  The recruiting professionals who have the most success on social media understand this and don’t limit their updates to one type of content.

For example, let’s say you run across an article from SmartBrief on interview tips that you would like to share.  With Buffer, you can send that content via your Twitter account, with the added bonus of being able to view individual analytics for every tweet you send.

The capabilities social media automation provides mean that you can spread your recruitment and staffing influence more widely across Twitter and other channels without having to sacrifice large amounts of time in the process.

For more information how automation can help your recruitment or staffing company in other areas, check out our resource whitepaper, 15 Steps To Successful Staffing And Recruiting Software Selection.