
Using Cloud Based Desktop Applications to Meet Changing Life Styles in the Staffing and Recruiting Industry

Safe, secure, on-demand desktop software hosting designed for the staffing and recruiting industry delivers a centralized desktop with all of your applications and data from essentially any device and from anywhere you have a reliable Internet connection.

Guest Blog by Mark Moeller

telecommuting made easy with ICC Global Hosting and Bond International Software recruiting softwareAs with most industries the staffing and recruiting industry has seen many changes to their employees’ life styles with more and more workers working from remote offices, telecommuting, or just needing access to their applications from their tablet, PC, or Mac at home. The days of working in the office from 9:00 to 5:00 and the day ending then are becoming more the exception than the rule.

More and more applications are now moving to the Cloud – “applications running in a secured datacenter and accessed via the Internet”. This makes sense for the changing life cycles of many workers and adds a layer of security for your data by keeping the data in the Cloud and not sending data to a potentially unknown or personal device. While Cloud based applications are great, the Cloud based desktop provides the convenience of all of your applications, shared data, and e-mail all accessible from one secure place and from any device anywhere you want it.

Though our partnership with Bond, ICC Global Hosting provides Bond customers with Cloud based desktops which can provide access to Bond applications along with Hosted e-mail, Microsoft Office applications, and shared storage. This solution designed for the staffing and recruiting industry delivers a centralized desktop with all of your applications and data from essentially any device and from anywhere you have a reliable Internet connection. ICC’s Cloud based desktops have a secure connection to Bond applications and all of the end user data and e-mail is secured in our data center preventing data loss from failed back-ups, PC theft, or personnel changes.

ICC’s Cloud desktop simplifies the day to day management of PCs and applications in the office and supports the changing life styles of staffing and recruiting professionals. If you’d like to learn more about how about how Cloud desktops can add flexibility and security for your firm, please contact your Bond Sales Representative or ICC at

Mark Moeller is Vice President Business Development for ICC Global Hosting.


Top staffing software trends for 2013

There are a number of positively disruptive technologies on the horizon for staffing firms. From mobile to cloud computing, agencies are updating staffing and recruitment software to incorporate the use of more secure and adaptive solutions. 

If your staffing and recruiting firm is not leveraging the use of these new technologies in a cost-effective and efficient manner, your customer service, time-to-fill rate and overall efficiency may suffer. As a result, customers are likely then to forgo your service and take the hiring process into their own hands — or worse, go to your competitor. 

Cloud computing and distributed databases
Regardless of whether you are meeting with clients, managing branches or interviewing potential clients, the cloud is at work. Cloud computing allows a staffing firm to spend time conducting the business that matters, instead of working to update its information technology system. 

Cloud-hosted software operations allows for distributed databases. Instead of storing data and information in one physical location, a distributed database involves the use of multiple, loosely connected sites. So, if your storage center in one location goes down, the others are there to pick up the slack so that you avoid any interruptions to the day-to-day business of your staffing agency. Equally important, cloud computing enables staffing and recruiting firms to quickly add branch offices and enhance their growth without adding more internal servers and other IT infrastructure. 

Cloud security upgrades
As a staffing firm, you are dealing with the personal details of professional individuals who trust you to keep it secure. With the evolution and growth of the cloud, information technology developers are working to incorporate the latest in data security protocols.

Research from GigaOM has forecast that the cloud market will more than double from $70.1 billion in 2012 to $158.8 billion by 2014, according to Mondaq. With such expansive growth, staffing firms will find their cloud solution providers continuously conducting updates in 2013. A staffing firm using a private cloud provider with the right set of security protocols and detailed contractual agreements concerning the arrangement should feel confident. In addition, according to Computer World, ongoing progress in the area of data security standards will further mass security technology adoption.

Cloud efficiency
Due to the nature of the work involved in the staffing industry, cloud computing will be found particularly useful. A whitepaper by Tim Giehll, Chief Marketing Officer at Bond International Software, titled, “Cloud Computing: The Future of Your Staffing Office is Out of the Office,” outlines the numerous staffing software trends recruiters will benefit from with the adoption of the cloud. Managers will be better able to track performance metrics and maximize the productivity of both branches and individuals. Recruiters can decrease response times, improve the accuracy of candidate matching and leverage online tools to reduce typical recruiting costs.