Ten Steps to a Successful Staffing and Recruitment Software Implementation – Part Two

Implementation Featured Part TwoIn the second instalment James Payne, Sales Director, Adapt, shares the final five steps for a successful staffing and recruitment software implementation.

Step Six: Understand the migration process

Moving your existing data to the new software isn’t always the right decision. Rubbish in one system is just rubbish in the next. Sometimes a fresh start is a good idea. Be sure to have someone with technical knowledge of the database you are moving from and the application and business workflows involved in the process.

Step Seven: Consider your training objectives

Have you thought about how you are going to train your team? Do you have trainers already in place and ready to learn the new system? The right approach for you can depend on the size of your organisation. Less than five users, you can most-likely have them all trained online and ready to go in a few weeks. For a large organisation with multiple branches or lines of business it would make more sense to train several key people who in turn will train the rest of your staff. Just make sure you discuss this beforehand to know how to approach your training in the most time and cost effective way.

Step Eight:  Assess your reporting needs

Do you have reports you run on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? Is there a report you just can’t run your business without? Discuss those with your Project Manager at the start of the implementation project. Don’t assume your report is a standard one that every other agency uses. It could be unique to you.

Step Nine: Plan a thoughtful go-live

Your staffing software go-live should be a well-planned and executed event. Every go-live has many moving parts and many opportunities to fail. Your go-live can be smooth with just the right attention to all the details. Be sure to celebrate the success of launching a new recruitment software with all of your users.

Step Ten: Commit to ongoing education and improvement

Continually train new and existing staff. As staff turnover slowly erodes your agency of your internal software champions, you may find that knowledge and use of your software declines. Continual training plans can mitigate that issue and sometimes they don’t require a lot of time. For example, AdaptUX users are offered access to software tips, documentation, and training videos.

New recruitment software is an exciting investment and provides you a great opportunity to improve your business.  With the right team, planning, and execution, you can maintain the excitement and ensure continued success throughout the implementation and beyond.

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