How staffing firms can extend social media reach (Part 2)

Let’s continue to discuss the various ways you can best leverage your social media accounts to extend your reach. As a staffing professional you could be managing multiple audiences – potential job candidates, clients and even other industry experts. While the purpose of social media marketing is easy – to create content that adds value to your brand and increases lead generation, it can sometimes be hard to know best practices.

Here are the final two suggestions for our top five list of ways to leverage your social media presence:

4) Use and promote infographics. Have you clicked on an infographic? Those extended graphics full of easy-to-digest information are everywhere and for good reason – they work. Infographics provide you with a powerful tool for link generation and can increase web traffic because they are so easy to share. Once you have an infographic uploaded online, make sure you promote it intelligently on your social media networks so that it can become “viral bait.” According to PR Marketing, best practices for creating and sharing infographics have developed (like using a qualified graphic design to make an original product) and it’s most likely in your best interest to follow them. An infographic is not intended to be a flier for your business and should not be promotional in nature. Therefore, make sure promotional details are kept to a minimum – max should be about 20 percent.

5) Create a community. Engaging your users is the premier way for your social media presence to stay active and gain a following. Guest blog posts, mentioning others when you share their content and sending out congratulatory messages are all great ways to boost a community. Guest blog posts gain a lot of attention because, just like when people used to be mentioned in the newspaper, they share with their friends the post they were included in or wrote for your blog. As a result, you get more views, Google believes you’re a popular site and boosts your search standings and more people could potentially become regular followers of your blog or social media accounts.

These strategies and others can help you extend your social media reach and provide more fodder for your staffing needs. Remember, as your network expands due to the successful implementation of a social media strategy, you’re going to need to keep track of these connections and the right staffing software will be necessary. Social media is all about building a community – make sure you don’t forget the details!

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